Ministry Partnerships
Burundi Hope Project works in partnership with national believers from the Community of Emmanuela Churches to further the Gospel through Biblically-based programs, education and training. We provide access to God’s word, skill building programs, and sustainable tools to empower and enable Burundian nationals to take ownership and provide for themselves and their families. This results in discipling others to become Christ followers and fulfilling our mission of loving God, loving people, sharing the Gospel and bring hope to the people of Burundi.
Children of Hope Ministry
Children of Hope Ministry assists with the educational, spiritual, and physical needs of 350 Burundian children who attend two special needs schools, Kanura School for the Blind and Ephphatha Deaf School. The students from the schools also share the Gospel with their ministry teams at Children of Hope Seminars in churches and the community.
Women of Hope Ministry
Women of Hope seminars share the Gospel to women by women through teachings with life application. Sewing Centers give opportunities for women to earn an income and meet the physical needs of their families. Hope House assists women who are in challenging situations.
Evangelism & Outreach
Burundi Hope partners with the Emmanuel Churches in the training of pastors and planting churches through the Timothy Bible School. Working alongside the Sunday School programs brings opportunities for sharing the Gospel to children. Providing Bibles puts God’s word in the hands of believers.
Burundi Blessings
Burundi Blessings help us fulfill the mission of the Burundi Hope Project through your support and resources. Either one time or on-going gifts have an impact on the lives of the Burundian people.