
We are grateful for your partnership.

Burundi Hope is a network of ministry partners and supporters in the US and Burundi. Helping us work alongside the Burundi Nationals encourages them to take ownership of programs and desire to move towards sustainability. Thank you for helping us be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Ways To Partner

Debit or Credit

Set up your one-time or recurring gift via the link below.*

*All online gifts are processed using PayPal

By Check:

Make checks payable to:
Burundi Hope Project

Burundi Hope Project*
c/o Mark and Susan May
340 Kings Road
Madison Heights, VA 24572

Burundi Hope Project is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations, both one time and recurring, are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

What your investment provides:



1 Bible
2 mosquito nets
1 soccer ball
Shirt/pants or skirt for a child
Prescription eye glasses



2 school desks
7 school uniforms
3 days of fresh fruit
at the schools



1 bed mattress



12 days of rice for a school
6 days of beans for a school
Sewing machine
Bunk beds



Educational assistance for
1 class for the Samual Project
for 1 year

Capital for a Sewing House at
a local church



Nutritional porridge, fruits,
and vegetables for 1 month
at both schools