Happy for the Gift of Time!
I am thankful for God’s gift of time. It’s a gift we need to use as soon as we have it. We can’t save it for later or give it back. I have needed to be creative on this trip in using the time I have to the fullest. My daily routine has been dictated by the availability of water, power, internet, fuel and the weather. It is a lesson in flexibility and a reminder that sometimes it’s okay just to sit and wait. Waiting is not my gift! I have learned to adjust when I realize that many things are not in my control. I am preparing to head home to the US leaving the BHP team here to mange the details of the programs and projects we support. I am thankful for the daily communications that technology permits. It keeps our two cultures connected and also strengthens the common bond of knowing Jesus. Prayers for safety in travels and for those who remain in Burundi. During the end of my time here I was able to visit the Gatumba area and see the flooding for myself. There are several teachers for the blind school who live in the area and they have seen the water levels go down but the difficulties are still there but life goes on. Looking forward to coming home!
God Bless!
Susan May
The photos above are from some of our activities the past few days. The first three, the Kanura School for the Blind Bible Club doing an outreach at a local hospital. Gifting the families with beans, rice, soap and praying and singing with them. The second three, tag team teaching the Bible with Obed. The message “ If no one tells them how can they understand the message of God’s Word”. Specifically teaching of the Philip and the Ethiopian. The third three photos: children receiving toothbrushes collected by a preschool class in the US. Finally, a visit to the Gatumba area. Pray for the families!
Today, Monday, is a full schedule of going back to Ephphatha and visiting the students and staff. Tuesday at 11 am US time I am scheduled for departure. Prayers appreciated! God Bless!