2024: Renewed Vision

Entering a new year brings with it a time of reflecting on what has gone on before and anticipating the future. This occurs in all aspects of life. In ministry, it is a time to step back and determine if you are still on the original path or if is there a need for re-direction. The Lord has brought many opportunities to Burundi Hope to share His Gospel and impact the people in Burundi. In this next year, the ministry will assess the impact of the ministry and fine-tune the work before us.

Our mission has always been to love God, love people, share the Gospel, and bring hope to the people of Burundi. Every opportunity we have needs to reflect this mission. A good friend in ministry made a statement to me when I was overwhelmed with a “what do we do” situation. t was simple: “sometimes you need to consider people over projects.” This phrase has haunted me frequently over the past 6 months moving me to reflect on the ways we are fulfilling our mission. Please pray for the Board of Directors and the Burundi Hope Team with this in mind as we move into 2024 fulfilling what the Lord is guiding us to do.

God Bless!

Susan May

Co-founder, Burundi Hope

171 Timothy Bible School Students graduated in December better equipped to lead their congregations and to plant more churches for the Lord’s Kingdom. We are blessed to be able to have supported the school since 2014.

Outreach and Evangelism: First Quarter Ministry Focus

Historically Burundi Hope focuses on an area of ministry during each quarter of the year. This applies to ministry programs as well as support opportunities Evangelism and outreach are woven into the activities Burundi Hope in collaboration with the 170 churches of the Community of Emmanuel Churches (CEEM). The First Quarter Ministry Focus dials in on the resources we use in these endeavors ministry-wide. These resources include:

* Supporting the Timothy Bible School with funds to train pastors in sound doctrine to lead their churches and the skills to plant new churches. *Provision of Sunday School resource materials and facilitate the participation of the Kanura and Ephphatha student ministry teams in Sunday School Crusades and other programs. * Distribution of Bibles in Kirundi, French, Swahili, and English throughout the various programs of the churches and CEEM Programs. * Providing metal roofing for church buildings for new and expanding churches. It is the most costly of the building materials for the church congregations.

Everyone’s greatest need…

The gift of God’s word which brings them to eternity.

Receiving and accepting God’s word gives people the only hope of eternity. No matter our circumstances in life as Christ followers we are commanded to go and tell. Join us in this mission as we come alongside the people of Burundi in giving the greatest gift of all. Pastors are planting and leading. Women are teaching and encouraging. The children are sharing and serving. They are all being used by God through their challenges and victories.

Pray for Burundi Hope as we seek to financially support the evangelism and outreach efforts of the Burundian people. Our financial goal for this first quarter of 2024 is to provide $15,000 to assist with pastor training; resources for the Sunday School Program; church roofing and Bibles for distribution. Pray how you can help!


There is a Time for Everything


As 2023 Comes to a Close