“As the mountains surround Jerusalem…
…the Lords surrounds his people” Psalm 125:2. This could also be said of Burundi. Mountains surround it and He is surrounding His people. Looking back on the school year which ended July 5, Burundi Hope has seen the Lord’s presence. Looking forward to the beginning of school in two short months the challenges are equally as high as the mountains of Burundi but the Lord will faithfully surround and protect His people. Those who seek, follow, and trust in God will go and tell so others will come, see and hear the Gospel and accept the amazing gift of salvation.
God Bless!
Susan May
Co-founder, Burundi Hope Project
Burundi Hope has seen students from Ephphatha Deaf School overcome their fear and apprehension of moving to a new campus; navigate through the challenges of no water; unclean water; too much water; and water-born illness at the same time learning that Jesus brings the Living Water. Students at Kanura School for the Blind have realized those around them have a spiritual blindness causing a darkness that can only be removed by the Light of Jesus. Joining with their sighted peers the students have seen the fruit of their actions by reaching out to those in the community hospital with food, prayers, and their gift of song. Through their community crusades they demonstrated that physical blindness will be overcome when they live one day in Heaven.
During the 10 months of the school year these students live with their “adoptive” families of peers, dorm parents, teachers, and staff. Since 2014 Burundi Hope has been stepping in to support the spiritual, educational and physical needs of the students. Parents are asked to provide a portion of the room and board for their children and personal needs items. Unfortunately, most of the 200-plus students boarding at the schools get little financial support from their families. Burundi Hope has been subsidizing 90% of health care costs for the past 3 years. The 2024-25 School year predicted budget is $5,000. A declining economy and increase in the cost of everything has resulted in this fact: if Burundi Hope is unable to assist the students will not receive needed treatment. Educational resources and materials ( Samuel Project funds) will cost $15,000. The need for Supplemental Nutritional Food is also expected to be $15,000.
To help the schools obtain sustainability Burundi Hope has assisted each school with projects which can contribute to the operational costs of the schools, specifically their $15 - 20,000 general food budget. The Agriculture and Fish Farm Program at Kanura and the Sewing Center and a smaller agriculture program at Ephphatha are striving to accomplish this. These programs will need several more years to reach sustainability but are moving in that direction.
How can you help us surround the people as the mountains surround Burundi? Pray for the next 6 months that funds will be contributed to provide for these necessary projects and other programs will also be able to be maintained. The programs described previously are all under the umbrella of our “Children of Hope” ministry. Burundi Hope is working alongside the schools to provide sound Bible curriculum and Teaching; Afternoon Activities that encourage students to develop their talents and abilities; Health and Wellness seminars for students and staff; special programs and children’s crusades as well as physical improvements at the schools.
Churches and organizations have been faithful in providing for special projects and have blessed the students and their families time and again. Burundi Hope is blessed by their generosity. Over the past 10 years administrative costs have been 2 % or less each year so programs and projects can be funded. The Burundi Hope Leadership Team in Burundi operates ministry activities year-round with weekly meetings for accountability. A testimony of how programs are on-going.