Is Anything Too Hard?

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14. As I read this scripture, one morning before a day I knew would be particularly challenging, I was reminded time and again the answer was no. Sifting through the details and making decisions that are not ideal is emotionally draining and frustrating. As I read through the story of Sarah and her husband Abraham she was put in multiple seemingly impossible situations which were not too hard for the Lord to resolve. There is a reason Sarah is listed in Hebrews 11. Her faith allowed her to witness miracles and see God’s promises fulfilled. As I spend my time here in Burundi I am reminding myself continuingly that nothing is too hard for the Lord and he will fulfill his promises. I have been blessed in so many ways this week and allowed the blessings to overshadow the frustrations. God is good! Imana Ni Nziza! Thank you for continued prayers as I navigate these final days in Burundi.

God Bless!

Susan May

Co-founder, Burundi Hope

Dorm parents have a huge task of keeping all the children organized and supervised! Imagine 140 children living in your house! It blessed my heart to see their smiles outside of the classroom!

Sharing and serving in so many ways together this week. Teaching God’s word to women and children. Being blessed by the prayers of the churches. Listening to the humble hearts of those who lead and teach their congregations. Despite the challenges of life I am seeing daily how nothing is too hard for the Lord!

As I write this morning it has been raining through the night and likely most of the day. Pray for the challenges it will bring and God’s protection during this rainy season.


Fear not, little flock


A Woman from the Well