Welcome 2025!

There is something about a a fresh legal pad and new assorted colored pens ( all list makers need these and I am one of “those” people) or looking at fresh untouched snow ithat triggers thoughts of new beginnings. It is a chance to look forward to all things new and at the same time remembering and appreciating the blessings from the past. The Burundi Hope Project was blessed time and time again in 2024 and we are looking forward to see how God will bless in 2025. In just a few days I will be departing on yet another journey to Burundi. 2025 will be a time of transition in my travel. A new beginning of sorts. As the Burundi Hope Team and other Burundian nationals take further ownership of the programs, my presence in the country will shift to two one month long trips each year. We will still maintain weekly accountability via virtual meetings which is a positive attribute of our technology saturated world. The friends in Burundi have transformed into my family in Burundi as we all sit around the same table. A table full of spiritual food, encouragement, blessings and prayers. I do indeed ponder all of these things in my heart!

God bless!

Susan May,

Co-founder, Burundi Hope Project

Timothy Bible School is in session!

Burundi Hope Project has been supporting the training of pastors and church planting for almost ten years. We have watched Timothy Bible School grow and seen dedicated teachers volunteering their time to ensure sound doctrine is being taught. Many of the teachers are older and they are seeking younger men who can step into teaching roles of the school. Pray the Lord will give them wisdom to choose those who can carry the torch for the new generation of pastors. Pastors are eager to further their wisdom and knowledge of God’s word. Evening session classes have been added to accommodate those who are unable to leave their paid vocations for extended periods of time. Pastoring a church is not a paid position and all who are shepherding their flocks are bi-vocational. Even in the spiraling economic status of the country these dedicated men still seek ways to learn the wisdom of God’s Word so they can effectively shepherd their sheep. Our first quarter of 2025 will focus on assisting with funds to support this pastor training program. Burundi Hope has pledged to support Timothy Bible School with $5000. Consider helping Burundi Hope with the sharing of God’s Word! Additional funds raised will help purchase Bibles and Sunday School materials for children in the churches.

Sharing the Gospel is contagious as we begin 2025. The Women of Hope teaching teams will be kicking off their new year of teaching. They will be sharing what we can learn from the life of Rahab; how to remember to put on your spiritual clothes; and why you should not be selfish in sharing God’s greatest gift…eternal life with Him. During the 4th week of January the 16 teaching teams will be going out 2 by 2 to bring God’s word and teaching life application for women to apply in their lives. These women are giving a fresh perspective on God’s Word helping others to understand that the gift of God’s love is for everyone and your sins are not too great to be forgiven. What better example than Rahab to encourage them to seek to follow Jesus! I have been privileged to sit at their feet and learn from their teachings and am thankful that we are partnering together to share the Gospel.

We can not forget the children in our efforts to share the Gospel! The Maramvya Sunday School Children’s Crusade is schedule d for February 1. The teams from Ephphatha Deaf School will share God’s word through, drama, dance and music. 800 children are expected to attend for a morning of praise, worship, fun and fellowship all tied together with the Gospel. Fanta and football ( soccer) will also be on the program. I am looking forward to sharing the blessings of this event.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! I will be flying, weather permitting, on January 14 and returning to the US on February 6. I will update as I am able! God Bless!


Time is Precious and Other “P” Words!


Treasures in the Tree