Treasures in the Tree
New beginnings are a fitting way to end our calendar year. We are in the midst of celebrating the birth of a baby. New birth is a new beginning. Mark and I are blessed with 3 grandsons who live nearby. Our two youngest were riding with us and I suggested we look for Christmas lights along the way. One of them piped up “Let’s look for nativities!”. This was a “Mary pondered these things in her heart” moment. We were blessed to hear them express what this season is all about. The nativity is a symbol of peace , hope and joy as well as new beginnings. Mary and Joseph went through many challenges and before the arrival of God’s son and found themselves in less than ideal circumstances for His birth. Yet, there was joy, celebration and worship.
Looking at our Christmas tree I see a child friendly nativity at it’s base and a very old hand stitched angel at the top. The nativity is a reminder that God wants us have a relationship with Him that is personal, not just looking at Him from afar, fearing to touch all the pieces of His story. The angel has been restitched many times but has watched over our tree for more than 40 years. A reminder of faithfulness. The ornaments on the tree bring back memories of people, places and things in our lives that spark a range of emotions. These are the treasures of the tree.
In the coming days our dear friends in Burundi will be celebrating this season and I look back remembering the treasures in our ministry tree. Team members serving and delivering the message of the Gospel through their words and actions. Words of prayer and encouragement for one another. A commitment to be willing to wear our spiritual clothes. Children healthy and happy knowing they are surrounded by teachers and staff who have a heart for those with challenges. School administrators willing to try new ideas and seek out those who have the same vision for helping to develop sustainable projects. Women with a desire to teach in a new way in order to equip women to see the life application in God’s word. Faithful Sunday School teachers bringing God’s word to the children and youth to bring them into God’s kingdom. Church elders who desire to teach sound doctrine to their flocks.
These treasures are among the branches of our ministry. All trees have their imperfections and may not always stand straight and tall but all have treasures. Burundi Hope has seen the treasures and will continue to look for them even in the imperfections. We would be blessed by your prayers as 2024 ends with our celebration of Christ’s birth and 2025 arrives with new beginnings. Specifically pray for the economy in Burundi and as the Burundi Hope Project continues to love God, love people, share the gospel and bring hope!
Consider an end of the year contribution as 2025 arrives with new beginnings! We pray each of you will enjoy this season of celebrating the birth of God’s son and seek to serve Him fully in the coming new year!
God bless!
Susan May, Burundi Hope Project Co-founder.