Give Unto the Lord
It is fitting that my devotions have focused on the lives of the Israelite women and their journey through the wilderness as Moses led God’s people to the promised land. The everyday needs of their families were still the same whether they were housed in a permanent residence or making camp each night in a tent. They also continued to serve the Lord using their time, talents, and treasures. Through the hardships of their travels, they found the joy and blessings given straight from the hand of God. The women of Burundi who have found their strength from God’s hand have the same resiliency and the same joy in their daily lives. It is not to say their life is easy only that they approach life with willing hearts and serve God through serving their families and community.
Our focus this quarter is Women of Hope Ministry. It is an opportunity to share the Gospel and develop lasting relationships with women in Burundi. This is the case whether they are young girls, teens, university students, wives or widows. We have this opportunity through the programs we support through the Emmanuel Churches in Burundi to share the love of Jesus in all generations. This is my joy whether I have a small one on my lap; discussing God’s word with older women; laughing with teens over my pronunciation of Kirundi words and their pronunciation of English words; giving soap and rice to widows; or getting feedback on the progress of college classes. Women of Hope ministry is making a long-lasting impact and each of you is helping us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
God Bless!
Susan May
Co-founder, Burundi Hope Project
SEWING CENTERS This month I had the joy of sharing the story of Dorcas with preschoolers in church. It is also one of the women I teach about in Burundi. The women of Burundi can relate to the lessons learned by using their abilities to serve and to provide for themselves. Burundi Hope has helped to establish sewing centers to provide sustainable projects for churches and individuals. Organized sewing centers provide income for those in need as well as providing for widows and orphans in the local church and communities. The sewing machine matching program provides half the cost of a machine if an individual or church can provide the other half. Burundi Hope also provides practical business training as a foundation for operating a simple business. All the sewing centers are taught to make sustainable ladies’ hygiene kits and also encouraged to adopt other projects that can benefit their businesses such as uniforms, garments, and household items. Contributions to Women of Hope Ministry provides sewing machines and start-up costs for sewing businesses. To date 3 sewing centers are sustainable. A fourth sewing center is being built at the new Ephphatha Deaf School which will house a vocational training program for the students as well as internships for skilled tailors.
FRANCINE’S HOPE SCHOLARSHIPS Burundi Hope recognizes the need for education in all aspects of ministry. It can be fostered in many environments whether it is in vocational, academic, or business settings. Scholarships can provide for school fees and materials; housing; vocational training and provision of health and medical care. There are currently 6 individuals in the program. Scholarships are for 1 year and are renewed if needed pending on the support received for the program. $500 provides a scholarship for 1 individual. Currently, 3 are completing University degrees and will return to either the deaf school or blind school to teach. Two women are starting small businesses and have responsibilities at Hope House ( our women’s shelter). One women has been employed as a dorm parent and is being assisted with establishing her own small house near the school. There are currently 3 young people waiting for scholarships: a single deaf mother who has been left to raise her baby alone; a talented blind musician desiring to serve the Lord by teaching music; and a graduate of Kanura with a desire to complete his University degree.
HOPE HOUSE Provides temporary and permanent housing for women who are in difficult situations. Permanent residents living at Hope House also have responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the house including cooking, cleaning, and managing the schedule. They also have part-time jobs and contribute to their room and board. Temporary residents attend university or are getting vocational training to establish their businesses and are receiving Francine’s Hope Scholarships. Hope House also can provide overnight accommodations for women who are teaching with the Women of Hope seminars and women who may need emergency housing. Hope House has a full-time house mother overseeing the program. Contributions help with rent, utilities, and providing for the basic needs of operating a home.
COPY BOOKS These two simple words can bring the greatest joy and support to families with children in school. We all see the “Back to School” sales and school supplies list in early summer. As Burundians begin to send their children to school in early September the cost of copy books, much like our school notebooks, can be devastating for a family. Each student needs 6 - 8 at up to 50 cents each depending on the size. If you have 6- 8 children attending school the cost adds up. Burundi Hope has been distributing copy books for more than 5 years and each year we add more families to the list. These families are connected to the schools, programs and churches we serve in. Last year we spent over $2000 on copy books. This program reaches families all over Burundi. The thanks and appreciation for this small gift are always mentioned no matter where we go. A wonderful outreach and a way to minister to families!
WOMEN OF HOPE SEMINARS Teaching about women in the Bible to women is such a joy for me! The Lord has blessed over the years by bringing together 32 Burundian women who team teach the life application of women in God’s Word. They continue to teach in the churches throughout Burundi year-round and I have the opportunity to join them when I am in Burundi. Burundi Hope assists by providing Bibles and assisting with transportation costs for the teams of two who go out and teach. They are sharing the Gospel with hundreds of women every year.
Thank you for supporting Burundi Hope through the Women of Hope Ministry. You have read about the Lord’s work that is happening through your generosity. Please pray how you can continue to help!
Whether it is for:
Providing for Sewing Machines
Assisting with the completion of the Sewing and Vocational Training Center at Ephphatha
Francine’s Hope Scholarships
Copy Books
Assisting with the operation of Hope House
Supporting the Women of Hope Seminars with Bibles