God is able to bless abundantly!

So many things to share that come to my mind as I reflect on the past 3 1/2 weeks. Seeing how God has blessed abundantly. Enjoying the shimmers of light that peek through the challenges. These are the things that will be etched in my memories of my time spent in Burundi. Knowing that God sees all I need and will equip me to do His work. As I prepare to leave on Thursday I wanted to share some of my day to day blessings so you can get a glimpse of God blessing abundantly. Whether it is listening to the ideas and plans of some of the students and teachers; hearing the laughter of those I work with daily; the glimpses of the culture; or God’s miracle of creation. God is indeed blessing abundantly !

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we partner in the Lord’s work together!

Susan May

Co-founder, Burundi Hope Project


Go the extra mile!


Fear not, little flock