Go the extra mile!

How many times in our lives do we face a task, assignment, or responsibility and do only what is necessary instead of doing all we can? Is it because we are less than thrilled with the item on the to-do list? Do we have an overwhelming number of items on the to-do list? Or, do we ask ourselves how we ended up with a particular task that should belong to someone else? Being a list maker I have many to-do lists based on the different areas of my life and I find myself with all 3 scenarios no matter if it is ministry life, family life, or somewhere in between.

Before leaving Burundi 3 weeks ago, I had an opportunity to challenge the Burundi Hope team, including myself, to keep Colossians 3:17 close to our hearts. Whatever we do, do it all in the name of the Lord. Mmmm… if we are God’s chosen people as Colossians 3:12 claims then we should be going the extra mile in everything we do and say. No matter the circumstance don’t short-change those who will benefit from you completing your task. Manage your time well and don’t think of yourself too important to tackle a task that you perceive as belonging to someone else. The Lord shows me daily how remembering the words of Colossians 3: 5- 17 guides me through my day to day living for Him.

May God continue to bless each of you as you partner with us in serving Him in Burundi!

Susan May, Co-founder

Burundi Hope Project

Many have asked about the progress of the Agriculture Program and Fish Farm. The program is doing well using a team leadership approach. The 8-member team meets twice monthly to collaborate on the managing of the different facets of the program. They have recently harvested corn which has been used for feeding the students as well as drying for making corn flour. They have re-established the overwater chicken coop which had previously been impacted by a nationwide chicken disease. The school was also chosen to be the site of a government program for mushroom farming to add nutrients to the student’s meals. Pray for the program as they seek to further improve the program by building rainwater collection tanks in order to provide additional water for the ponds and irrigation.

Update on Sewing Centers: Gihanga Sewing House has been able to begin its own building through matching construction funds from a ministry supporter. The new Sewing Center at Ephphatha deaf school has been completed and construction of 2 sewing classrooms has started. Once the classrooms are finished the 2-year vocational program will be restructured to include an internship and the Sewing Center will be able to operate full-time.


These 3 men are studying at Timothy Bible School during the newly added evening sessions. They are serving the Lord in multiple ways as elders in their churches; teaching at the blind school school; working with the Fish Farm and agriculture program; assisting with Afternoon Clubs with the students and are involved in their local communities. They are examples of doing everything as unto the Lord. Supporting the work of Timothy Bible School is developing men into God’s chosen people.

First Quarter Ministry Focus Update

We are currently seeking to fund our Evangelism and Outreach Programs during the first 3 months of 2024. We desire to contribute $5000 towards the training of pastors and church planting and an additional $5000 to support the work of the Sunday School program; Bible distribution and church roofing. We currently have $2800 towards those programs. Pray and consider how you can support the Lord’s work in Burundi. Donation options can be found below. Many thanks to those who have already contributed in this effort.

Happy Faces to Bless You!


Let it shine!


God is able to bless abundantly!