Joyful Reunions!

Thursday, November 7 marks the beginning of my next trip to Burundi. It will be six months since I was last in Burundi. It will be a trip for reconnecting and rejoicing with dear friends. Tristan and Erica Mason have faithfully served on the Burundi Hope Project Board of Directors since 2017. They have also been patiently waiting to adopt a child from Burundi for equally as long. We have been blessed to see them navigate through the challenges and disappointments and now rejoice in the “Gotcha Day” of Jimmy Mason. The Masons and their two children arrived in Burundi on November 2 and welcomed 3 1/2-year-old Jimmy into their family on November 4. I can’t wait to meet him in person! Debbie Kibler, another board of directors member, will travel with me to reconnect with the Burundi team. She last visited in 2019. Another blessing! Finally, our missionary friends, Jeremy and Sonja Bassett returned on November 4 after a 6 month home assignment. They are my neighbors and encouragement as I often travel solo. I love spending time with them and their 3 children. There have been and will be many more trips to the airport this week. Please pray for the Lord’s hand to be on our work in Burundi over the next few weeks. It is a short trip for me and a quick turnaround in mid-January. Part of the 5-year strategic plan has been to develop regular yearly trip dates beginning in 2025. I will travel to Burundi for 4 weeks in mid-January and June. The Burundi Hope Team will be fine-tuning program and project protocols. It has been exciting to see Burundian nationals take ownership of programs and be willing to try new strategies that work well with their culture. Thank you for prayers! I will update as I am able via e-mail and our Facebook page.

God Bess!

Susan May, Burundi Hope Co-Founder


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