What’s Your 5 & 2?
I recently listened to a podcast about “Your Spiritual Assignment” by Priscilla Shirer. It was a powerful reminder that while here on this earth all Christ followers have spiritual assignments. This is more than just performing day to day tasks and getting our daily food from God’s word. Often times I look at what the Lord has put before me and I am overwhelmed by how it can be accomplished. God has equipped me with the tools to do whatever He puts before me and suddenly I have forgotten how to use them. Just like in Luke 9 the disciples were overwhelmed by the multitudes who needed to be fed. They had forgotten the power that Jesus had given them as they went out two by two to proclaim God’s Kingdom. Jesus gave a simple command: you feed them. For all they had been able to do it did not occur to them they could indeed do just that. Using a simple object lesson with five loaves of bread and two fish He showed them how easy it was to forget how to use their abilities to overcome the challenge. This New Testament teaching is one that I have taught over and over again to the children in Burundi and now I see it with fresh perspective. It is now a reminder that God has equipped me with my own “5 & 2”. My loaves and fishes that will show me how to complete the spiritual assignment God has give to me. I can now look at each challenge in my life and realize there are loaves and fish for each situation whether it be in Burundi or in America. He wouldn’t have called me without equipping me and as He continues to send me spiritual assignments. I will continue to look for and use my 5 & 2’s!
God Bless!
Susan May, Burundi Hope Project Co-founder